Business Smart Savings Account



—— New Business Smart Savings Account will help your business grow, FASTER.


The newly introduced Business Smart Savings Account allows your business to earn a competitive GIC-like interest rate, while giving your business the flexibility to access these funds at any time —— it is the perfect complement to your everyday business account(s).

Product Features*:

  • No monthly Fee
  • Multi-Currency Account: Business Smart Savings Account contains both Canadian Dollar and US Dollar accounts
  • Provide Monthly E-Statement (Paperless) accessible via internet banking
  • Competitive Interest Rate:Interest is calculated DAILY based on account's full balance and paid monthly to your account
  • Unlimited Free Transfer-in Credits from other bank accounts
  • Two Free Debit Transactions to other banks per month
  • Professional account managers to provide one on one business service
  • Online banking service package: Enjoy ICBK's convenient and user-friendly service and discounted service fee rate on basic debt transaction service fee, remittance and EFT
  • Automatic Transferring Service: allows account holders to transfer funds automatically between Business Smart Savings Account and other ICBK bank accounts



Competitive Interest Rate:

Please click this link for current interest rates for Business Smart Saving Account.


Basic Service Charges:

Account Administration fee
Credits / Deposits
(from other bank accounts)
Items deposited
(Cheques, Bank Drafts)
Debit Transactions
(To other bank accounts or issue cheques/bank drafts)
2 Free Debit Transactions per month
if exceeding: $8.00 each



* Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Canada) reserves all the rights of final interpretation of this product. To open this account, a minimum deposit of CAD or USD 1,000,000.00 is required. Interest rates and service charges are subject to market and competitor changes.


For more information, please visit our branches or call customer service 1-877-779-5588